We are holding a briefing session for a People’s Vote community survey in Cambridgeshire on Saturday 17th November at 10 am in the hall at Emmanuel United Reformed Church on Trumpington Street in Cambridge. Doors will open at 9,30 am and we will provide tea and coffee for attendees.

The People’s Vote campaign is undertaking a nationwide ‘ knock and drop’ community survey this November, which aims:

  • To listen and better understand how people in the local community feel about Brexit
  • To provide the information to build local campaigns and messages that work in a future People’s Vote
  • To produce evidence to be shared with MPs and Local Media

If you are interested in taking part in this survey, please register at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/briefing-for-peoples-vote-community-survey-in-cambridgeshire-tickets-52255137523

We would like to undertake the survey in Cambridge, South Cambs, South East Cambs, and Huntingdon, focusing on specific wards that have been recommended by the People’s Vote central office. The ‘knock and drop’ survey involves knocking on the doors of residents, explaining the purpose of the survey and leaving a copy of it with them to complete, and then returning an hour later to collect the survey. The purpose is not to persuade people to support a People’s Vote, but to gather information on their opinions and concerns.

At the briefing, which will take less than an hour, we will explain how the survey will work, and organise volunteers into teams to canvass particular areas. We ensure that volunteers work in pairs, and that each pair includes at least one person who has previous canvassing experience.

The canvassing teams will then disperse to survey their areas on Saturday 17th, or on subsequent days if that would be more convenient. We have been asked to complete the survey by Monday 26 November.

To help us plan for this survey, please register at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/briefing-for-peoples-vote-community-survey-in-cambridgeshire-tickets-52255137523 if you are planning to attend this briefing.

If you would like to take part in this survey, but are not available on the morning of the 17th November, please email info@cambridgestays.org.uk and let us know:

  • Which constituency you would like to survey
  • If you have canvassing experience

We can then pair you with another canvasser.

Hope you can join us!
