Whether you’re a veteran campaigner or completely new to this (a lot of us had never done anything like this before the Brexit vote happened), please join us for our first campaign training event. We’ve got 6 months left to try and bring about a change of direction and call for a People’s Vote on the Brexit deal, so we need to ramp up our campaigning activities.

This FREE training event will be held at the Emmanuel United Reformed Church on Trumpington Street, CB2 1RR on Wednesday 6th June. Doors will open at 7.30 PM, and the training will begin at 8.00 PM.

Register to attend at: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/peoples-vote-campaign-training-event-tickets-46370888576

The session is designed to give you the tools to spread the word and help us campaign for a People’s Vote. It will be interactive with plenty of hands on opportunities to hone your skills. It will cover:

– a briefing on the People’s Vote campaign – key objectives, what it means for us locally

– how to engage with the public about the issues surrounding Brexit and why we’re calling for a People’s Vote

– how to really listen to where people are coming from so you can communicate effectively and persuasively

– communicating our key messages and how to handle counter-arguments

– role playing to practise all of the above

We will talk about the ways you can contribute to the campaign – by both volunteering on street stalls and leafleting door-to-door in your neighbourhood, but also in other ‘back office’ roles.

We can change the direction this country is set on – but we can’t do it without YOU. Be part of the change you want to see.
